FFD was established in 2012 by MTK (The Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners in Finland), SLC (The Central Union of Swedish-speaking Agricultural Producers in Finland), Pellervo Coop Center (Confederation of Finnish Cooperatives) and ProAgria (Service Center to Rural Entrepreneurs). It gives peer-to-peer support to agricultural and forestry producers in developing countries in tackling problems of food security and ensuring future food production in a sustainable manner. FFD has the overall responsibility for project management and reporting in line of the MFAF requirements. FFD is also in charge of project monitoring and provide support to project partners in project reporting. In addition, FFD works in close collaboration with the twinning partner to draw lessons learnt from the joint-activities. FFD will also liaise with the most relevant international stakeholders such as the relevant certification schemes, Forest Farm Facility (FAO/FFF) and AgriCord. FFD advisory services will support integrating climate and environmental management in CAs work and developing institutional approaches for
improving inclusion in CAs. FFD will also facilitate the national level advocacy promoting smallholder forestry and cooperative movement as a pathway to poverty eradication, sustainable forest management, and as a part of the solution in combatting climate change and its impacts.